Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow and shape note

I don't know if this is normal for London or not, but another dusting of snow this morning. But it's clear and bright. I'll take this over rain any day. It seems like this week was the first time since I got back three weeks ago that the sun was out.

My epic drama group is devising a coal mining story based on the many stories of mining disasters in the coalfields of Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. My preference, of course, is one of the more southerly locations. Last night we learned a shape-note hymn that will work well in setting the tone aurally and in terms of bleakness. Idumea. You get a good sense of it from this link.

Next week we start working on speeches (not part of the epic dramas). We were encouraged to find an important speech that we might not agree with, or by someone who's not a hero of ours. I'm working on parts of Ronald Reagan's "rendezvous with destiny" speech from the 1964 Republican National Convention. I've never assumed that he wrote his own stuff, but there are some good turns of phrase in it.

Now I'll just have to resist the urge to wobble my head when I do it.

The first week back took an eternity. These past two have gone much more quickly. And in five weeks I'll be home again for a visit. Whew.

And six months from today is the end of school. The big question, of course: Then What?

Soon as from [London] I go,
What will become of me?
Eternal happiness or woe
Must then my portion be?

Nope. Doesn't quite fit, does it? Life's a little pale sometimes.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Still here

No, I haven't forgotten about the blog. I'm just under the gun to find a new place to live (again) and with work and school and that search, I'm not finding time to write.

We're working on epic dramas at school and "accessing deep emotions." It all comes down to the question, "Is it still possible to make people cry?" Learning lots. Being reminded of lots that I know from other contexts.

But right now I need to find a place to move to by Feb 8.

More later.